Self Care for your feet

Do you have a self care routine for your feet? If the answer is no, today is your lucky day as I have decided to share my self care series for the foot and ankle.

Our foot houses 26 bones and 33 joints and is designed to both pronate (flatten) and supinate (arch), but a lot of the time the foot lacks the movement stimulus  to allow it to move optimally.

In this video we use a therapy ball to create pressure stimulus inviting micro movements throughout the foots joints helping to wake the foot up.

I see a lot of people nowadays that have been diagnosed with planter fasciitis.. one of the big reasons for people’s feet becoming painful is lack of movement. Our feet, as I said already are designed to pronate (flatten) and supinate (arch).. problems generally occur when the foot can’t travel from one to the other, and ends up being stuck in one foot posture ..think of your tissues on the sole of your foot (plantar fascia) like an elastic band, if your foot lives in a flattened position the tissues are always like a stretched elastic band and if your foot always lives in an arched position, the tissues will be in a contracted state.. to create movement in an elastic band, it needs both stretch and recoil , the tissues in the foot are the same. 

So let’s wake the foot up, let’s roll

I hope you enjoy this series I have put together!!


A year of anger, depression, loss of purpose, imposter syndrome and personal growth


Props or no props